CSR: Cardbox Packaging ranked in the top 8% companies

Cardbox Packaging located in Zádveřice, the Czech Republic, has been certified in the field of corporate social responsibility by the international auditing company EcoVadis and has defended the silver medal with the improvement by 6% since last year.
Vienna, February 2022. EcoVadis evaluates the company’s approach to sustainable development on the basis of 21 criteria in the field of environmental protection, working conditions and human rights, ethics and sustainable development, resulting in 92th percentile among all ranked companies. The EcoVadis methodology is based on international CSR standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000.
The resulting analysis summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of our company in terms of our principles, activities and results, and also provides recommendations for improving activities and procedures that will strengthen corporate social responsibility. The company’s goal is to achieve further significant improvement again in the following year.
Cardbox Packaging, long-time professional in printing and packaging industry, works with the most reliable suppliers. Making the ideal packaging for our customers is number 1 priority and we still are going towards innovations. Contact us with your ideas and requirements, we are pleased to take on the challenges.