Folding/Gluing Operator

We are looking for a colleague to work as a Machine Operator for Folding/Gluing in our Pinkafeld team.

gluing machine cardbox packaging
The fast-growing international manufacturer of high-quality and sophisticated cardboard packaging, mainly for the food industry, is looking for a colleague in the team for a position as

Folding/Gluing Operator in Pinkafeld

Your tasks:

  • Professional setup, adjustment, maintenance and operation of the machines
  • Economical use of the specified manufacturing processes and the material for the best possible execution of the orders (raising quality awareness)
  • Monitoring of quantitative and qualitative performance as well as performance and quality controls/samples
  • Responsible for meeting deadlines for the assigned machine(s) and reporting immediately to the department manager in case of deviations from the planned target (e.g. machine damage, etc.)
  • Documentation of the order and compliance with the controlled documents
  • Shift handover, reporting machine information to the next shift
  • Implementation of the requirements of quality, environmental management system and hygiene concept, and due diligence in the area of ​​responsibility
  • If necessary: ​​carry out the activities of a packer and helper
  • Assistance in optimizing processes

Our offer:

  • Working in an international company
  • Stable and long-term workplace
  • Family environment
  • Lean corporate structure
  • Opportunities for further education
  • Payment according to KV. Overpayment possible depending on qualification and commitment
  • and much more!

Important requirements:

  • Quality awareness
  • Physical and mental resilience
  • Motivation and pleasure to work
  • Teamwork
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Technical skill
  • German spoken and written
  • Ideally, a completed apprenticeship as a packaging technician, mechanical engineering technician or similar.
  • Basic knowledge of IT

Are you interested? Then we look forward to your written application sent to

    Attachment (CV):

    We protect your personal data. We only process your personal data for the purpose of reviewing your application for employment with our company. By contacting us you understand Basic Data Protection Regulation.



    Czech republic


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